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Dodgers Diagnosis.

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As I said before, Dodgers diagnosis took a long time because they wanted to rule out other conditions due to  the 4:1 ratio that boys exceed well over girls.  

Once we got the diagnosis, it was all hands on deck. There was none of this oh no she’s got Autism, and how  will this effect us blah blah blah blah, or being in denial over it. You have to face up to what is put in front of  you, and once you’ve been given a diagnosis ,like I said, that opens doors but you need to look for those  doors. Without a diagnosis you are left in limbo and there isn’t much you can do or ask for without one in  place. 

What I have noticed over the past 17 odd years, is that more and more children are getting diagnosed with  Autism, and it has got to a point where in my opinion, some are being diagnosed with other conditions to try and hide the massive rise in children being diagnosed Autism.  

I know it is hard that your child has a condition, bu,t it is better to have it diagnosed instead of keeping  yourself in the dark, especially if it’s only because you don’t like the stigma to it or you’re just in total  disbelief. You have to use your emotions to get yourself moving in the direction that can help your child, not  hinder them. 

You need to take on that diagnosis, you need to be strong, you need to accept it and you need to run with it.  Believe me I know Autism, and what it is like to live with it and the effects of it in the household, and on the  outside .But , you got to stand up and protect your child and by accepting the diagnosis you’re telling Autism that you’re going to take it on, and it is in for a fight.  

Just like you would stand up to a bully, stand up to Autism and arm yourself with everything you can, you  are your child’s defender. You can’t cure autism, but you might be able to help with some of the symptoms.  My wife Angela was amazing straight from the off. instead of being on the internet looking at shoes, coats,  bags etc, She took on challenge and armed herself with as much knowledge as she could and then she would  relay what was helpful to me. Of course, there is different feelings and thoughts that are in the minds of a  Mum & Dad, but the result of accomplishing the goal of helping your child is the same.  Nothing is gonna hurt my child without us in their corner!  

Angela and I have very deep feelings regarding the use of big Pharma medications, no way was we going to  have our child use them. There are natural supplements out there that could help your child with some of  their symptoms, and we knew this was the way we would go.  

You do of course ask yourself how, why etc. My wife and I have done so much research looking into this how  are daughter has been affected, but this blog is not for us to use to point fingers, it is to give you a little  understanding and knowledge about Autism, the way it affects my daughter Dodger and the way it affects  my wife and I. Our needs hopefully will be helped from this website selling Apparel etc. and will hopefully 

help our family spend more time together. You have to remember that your child needs you, you need to  take on what they can not. You need to be there voice, you need to be bodyguard, you need to be literally  them from their eyes looking out.  

Dodger is severely autistic non-verbal. She struggles on a day-to-day basis with everything. Not  understanding life in general. Autism is like having a massive brick wall built in her brain and it effects  absolutely everything. Day to day tasks that we carry out without a thought, she struggles with it. I would  love for her to have a few seconds everyday that she would have the clarity of mind to understand when I  say, Don’t worry mate I’ve got you!

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