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A lovely day out on the canal

About Us and Our Inspiration

A Bit About Us

About The Founder

This journey began with the iconic band t-shirt and hoodie. They played a significant role in shaping my identity during my formative years, providing a visual outlet for my deep love of music. Even today, they remain a timeless and universally appealing fashion choice, suitable for individuals of any age and background.

My passion for music continues to be a central part of my life, and I still hold a strong affection for the dependable and stylish basics of the t-shirt and hoodie.

This aspiration has motivated me to aim for the creation of a remarkable business that seamlessly integrates my passion for creativity and the freedom of self-expression with my deep commitment to my cherished disabled daughter.

The primary goal is to achieve a special synergy that provides the flexibility to allocate significant time to both my creative endeavors and the essential care and support my daughter needs. This, in turn, eliminates the limitations of traditional working hours, ensuring she receives the necessary supplementary assistance.

Good Luck! 


Our daughter "Dodger". Is a young adult with complex Autism.

What is complex Autism? 

For some people it can mean every day routines such as personal care, getting dressed etc is something they  need help with. Eating, sleeping, brushing teeth, brushing hair, to going out anywhere and everything in between, they need support with. Being kept safe inside and outside of the home, us as her carers need to be  alert and available 24/7. This is our kind of Autism. 

Dodger is an amazing, funny and charming young lady despite her difficulties. She loves to sing and dance,  loves listening to music, watching most pixar movies, and taking photographs of them and her toys. Her  vocabulary is mainly made up of quotes from her favourite movies. She can spend hours laughing at something  Woody said to Buzz, or Shrek said to Donkey, rewinding them endlessly, giggling at a character who falls into a puddle or gets stuck into a pothole. 

Dodger’s innocence is precious, endearing and beautiful. But this also makes her very vulnerable, which means  she needs to be constantly protected. She is trapped, trapped in her own world where she misses out on all the  normal things other young people take for granted. 

Her communication problems prevent her from making friendships so we fear she gets lonely. 

She will never experience independence, she will never experience going to the cinema with friends, girls  holidays or parties and bars. Having dreams and ambitions to aim for, forge a career path, learn to drive, save  for a house or find that special someone and have a family of her own. 

These are things she will never do or have because she will always need help and support for the rest of her life. 

Her struggles impacts us as her family (Dodger’s Mum & Dad), as her parents, we are her carers. Our future revolves fully around her care and we need to make this as productive and manageable as possible.  Our business is our passion which is directly because of our passion for Dodger.  

A way to work and provide while simultaneously caring for her. This is Our Ambition!

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